Friday, May 6, 2011

Saya cuba sketch gambar Abah umi dgn Aishah sebelum ni, tapi tak jadi. Sarah je jadi SIKIT. Tapi baru2 ni jadi sikit dah :D Maybe tangan dah lembut kot asyik kena lukis je untuk kelas architecture.

I can't wait yeay! XD

Saya tak reti nak buat tone2 untuk 'kedut2 halus', umi dengan abah nampak muda 10 tahun! XP

Babu A.

-Baby2 sayang :] -

Now that I look at Sarah's picture that I drew again, THIS DOESN'T LOOK LIKE SARAH AT ALL =.=''


nabila azmi said...

waa..pandainye lukis..like333...

Adib said...
